Complete Challenges to unlock Mandalorian-themed items and try out the G-Force Frenzy LTM.
You have until 9 am PT February 21st to collect new items and try out the new LTM.
The new 3v3 Limited Time Mode will feature unlimited boost that also gives you way more speed than usual boost. Think you can handle the G-Force?
Complete Mandalorian style bounties (in-game challenges) for the chance at unl0cking these following items!
- "This is the Way" Player Title
- Boba Fett Player Banner
- Bo-Katan Player Banner
- Din Djarin Helmet Topper
- Grogu Topper
- Din Djarin Jetpack Topper
- Paz Vizsla Dominus Decal
- Darksaber Boost
- Golden Moon x5 (items from the Overdrive, Elevation, or Velocity Series)
There are also new bundles available for purchase! Hardcore Mandalorian fans wont want to miss this!
Mandalorian Mega Bundle (2000 Credits)
- Bo-Katan Kryze Octane Decal
- The Armorer Breakout Decal
- Din Djarin Fennec Decal
- Boba Fett Octane Decal
- Nite Owl Wheels
- Mythosaur Wheels
- Mudhorn Wheels
- Boba Fett Wheels
- Whistling Birds Goal Explosion
- Seismic Charge Goal Explosion
- Din Djarin Player Banner
- "Mandalorian" Player Title
There is also an alternative bundle that includes a Grey painted Fennec only for an additional 500 credits! The 'Mandalorian Mega Bundle + Fennec' (2500 Credits)
There are a series of extra bundles for fans that want something more specific! We got you covered.
Bo-Katan Pack (500 Credits)
- Bo-Katan Kryze Octane Decal
- Nite Owl Wheels
Armorer Pack (500 Credits)
- The Armorer Breakout Decal
- Mythosaur Wheels
Din Djarin Pack (500 Credits)
- Din Djarin Fennec Decal
- Mudhorn Wheels
Boba Fett Pack (500 Credits)
- Boba Fett Octane Decal
- Boba Fett Wheels
Goal Explosion Pack (1200 Credits)
- Whistling Birds Goal Explosion
- Seismic Charge Goal Explosion
There is also a free item up for grabs! Don't forget to pick up the free 'The Armorer Player Banner!'
If you wish to know more about this event, please visit the official Rocket League news page!